Keyword Revealer
at Custom
Keyword Revealer get the deal for $39.00
What is it?
The Ultimate Keyword Intelligence Tool

Keyword Revealer is a huge time saver for anyone looking to uncover low-competition keywords. Start focusing your SEO efforts on easy-to-rank terms with low difficulty scores.

Our Keyword tool will uncover thousands of untapped long-tail keywords for any niche imaginable. Once keywords are discovered you will be able to view the difficulty score for each phrase and analyze the competition currently ranking on the first page of Google.

My Review

It does what it says it does. I bought it a little while ago and was hopeful, but to be honest Longtail Pro free version seems a bit more powerful in finding the keywords. I'm hoping for the Longtail Pro version to come back, but while it's not the case this also helps.

My Rating